
Yarno! is bingo card with knitting terms


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How are you managing in these difficult times? Are you managing to connect with people and keep yourself busy? I am working hard to keep myself entertained with yarn dying, knitting, connecting with friends and family on social media, Facetime and Zoom, reading, and making up silly little games like this one. Yarno! is exactly like bingo except for knitters. Have a look at the words in the boxes, for every knitting activity you’ve completed in the last week fill… Read More »Yarno!

Easy Goes It Shawl

Easy Goes It Shawl

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I’ve recently completed my Easy Goes It Shawl by Finicky Creations. The pattern is a free download on Ravelry. It was a fun and easy to knit. The shawl grew quickly and there was enough variation in the pattern sections to keep it from getting boring. I knit the majority of this shawl while in the car, in the good old days when we could still go places!  I chose to knit this shawl in my SW Merino, Cashere and Nylon yarn.… Read More »Easy Goes It Shawl

Little Green Hat

Little Green Hat

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I first met Melly at the Port Elgin Farmer’s Market back in 2018. That’s when she purchased a mini skein from me and made a little green hat. It was the first year I decided to sell my yarn to the public. Every Wednesday morning my husband and I would pack up the car and drive over to Port Elgin and set up my booth. He would head home for the morning and work. Around 1 he would return with… Read More »Little Green Hat

Rescheduled Events

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A new normal in these ever-uncertain times seems to be rescheduled events. This month I was scheduled to do a trunk show at Serenity Knits in New Market. This show will be rescheduled but no date has been set as of yet. I look forward to planning another date for the show with Sheila once our current health crisis is under control. The Sunshine Fibre Festival has been rescheduled to July 25 from May 2. I am looking forward to… Read More »Rescheduled Events

Toronto Knitter's Frolic

Toronto Knitters Frolic Cancelled

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It is with a sad heart that I write this post to tell you that the Toronto Knitters Frolic has been cancelled this year. The frolic organizers did not make this decision lightly. They used the information they had available to them to make the best decision possible in light of COVID-19. The organizers informed me of their decision on Sunday, March 15. Today, March 17, Doug Ford has declared a state of emergency in the province of Ontario. This… Read More »Toronto Knitters Frolic Cancelled

Featured Image Butterfly Lane Socks

Free Pattern Download Butterfly Lane Socks

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The world has found itself in the midst of a pandemic. People are being asked to self isolate, stores and borders are closing, and life as we know is quickly changing. In an effort to bring some kindness and cheer to the knitting community I am offering my Butterfly Lane Sock Pattern free for a limited time. Use the coupon code “Butterflies Are Free” from now until March 23, 2020. “Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn’t… Read More »Free Pattern Download Butterfly Lane Socks

Harvest Shawl by Jen Lucas

Harvest Shawl by Jen Lucas

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A fellow yarn lover knit this beautiful shawl using my baby alpaca, cashmere and silk yarn.

Two skeins of yarn in the colorway Mermaid


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I held a little naming challenge on my Facebook and Instagram accounts. This yarn was named Mermaid.

toddler wearing bobble hat.

Bobble Hat Pattern has 1200 Downloads and Counting!

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I’m delighted to tell you that my Bobble Hat Pattern has over 1200 downloads and counting! I was so excited to share this pattern with you that I offered a free download coupon for the first two weeks it was on Ravelry and the pattern was downloaded 1200 times. It was my joy to make so many knitters happy in such a short time. The Bobble Hat pattern is a quick knit for your favorite toddler or young child and… Read More »Bobble Hat Pattern has 1200 Downloads and Counting!

Hand knit socks with donegal yarn

Mary Ann’s Socks

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I love when my customers share their finished projects with me. About a month ago, Mary Ann reached out to me via Facebook and shared a picture of the socks she had made with the yarn she purchased this past summer. Aren’t they wonderful? She made them using my donegal sock yarn in the colorway Berrylicious.My donegal yarn features black and grey flecks on a merino base. Each skein is a generous 438 yds/100g made of 85% Superwash Merino and… Read More »Mary Ann’s Socks